Eating Meat   Leave a comment

I was told recently that hunters should only kill animals if there were no more grocery stores to go to. Understandably, this came from someone who loves animals… although also a meat eater.

I wasn’t sure how to reply. I mean, I’ve NEVER hunted, I AM a meat eater and I DO shop at grocery stores or butchers for my meat. But I knew there was more to this statement. More that I needed to consider…

After some thought, this is what I came up with… For those who choose to eat meat, a decision must be made. Where do we go to get the meat we use to nourish ourselves and our loved ones?!

First, the animals that are mass-raised are most often treated horribly. They are kept in small pens, fed whatever makes them plump up as fast as can be, and often violently handled. So if I love animals, how can I in good consciousness buy into a system that devalues the LIVES of the animals in deference to only doing what they have to do in order to sell more meat faster?

Then there’s the growth hormones, fillers, chemicals, etc. By the time these commercially “raised” animals make it to the local grocery store, the meat has been treated so much, that its likely that my body wouldn’t recognize it as food anyway.

So, If not that, then what?

The conclusions leave us with several options for those of us that still choose to be carnivores. First, we could raise our own animals. This would be the most intimate, hands on way to do it. To take care of them on a daily basis, love them, honor their lives, and be part of their gift from beginning to end.

For those who choose not to or cannot raise their own, they can buy from local farmers who they know raises their animals in a humane, healthy way. Supporting these people helps our own communities and its people to thrive as well as giving us the healthy food we need.

Third, we could hunt. These animals live in the wild, their natural home. They live free, eat and drink what nature intended, and give of their lives for us. When I said I’ve never done this, its only because I never had the opportunity and the proper understanding of it. I have, in fact, already talked to a friend about her and her husband teaching me to hunt next year.

We as a society and world (too much of it anyway), are so removed from what our food truly is, where it comes from, or how it effects our bodies. Most people just go to the store to get what they need, never giving a thought to the farmers, laborers, plants, and animals that it took to bring it into our hands. We don’t stop to thank them, nor to consider what it is our bodies need and in what amounts. We have no idea what the “additives, fillers, or preservatives” are or how they affect our bodies. Therefore, we have left our health in the hands of others. Also our responsibility. I feel so strongly that if I am going to eat meat, then I need to be a part of the process. I need and want to be responsible to the animals and people that bring nutrition to my family.



I was told recently that hunters should only kill animals if there were no more grocery stores to go to. Understandably, this came from someone who loves animals… although also a meat eater.

I wasn’t sure how to reply. I mean, I’ve NEVER hunted, I AM a meat eater and I DO shop at grocery stores or butchers for my meat. But I knew there was more to this statement. More that I needed to consider…

After some thought, this is what I came up with… For those who choose to eat meat, a decision must be made. Where do we go to get the meat we use to nourish ourselves and our loved ones?!

First, the animals that are mass-raised are most often treated horribly. They are kept in small pens, fed whatever makes them plump up as fast as can be, and often violently handled. So if I love animals, how can I in good consciousness buy into a system that devalues the LIVES of the animals in deference to only doing what they have to do in order to sell more meat faster?

Then there’s the growth hormones, fillers, chemicals, etc. By the time these commercially “raised” animals make it to the local grocery store, the meat has been treated so much, that its likely that my body wouldn’t recognize it as food anyway.

So, If not that, then what?

The conclusions leave us with several options for those of us that still choose to be carnivores. First, we could raise our own animals. This would be the most intimate, hands on way to do it. To take care of them on a daily basis, love them, honor their lives, and be part of their gift from beginning to end.

For those who choose not to or cannot raise their own, they can buy from local farmers who they know raises their animals in a humane, healthy way. Supporting these people helps our own communities and its people to thrive as well as giving us the healthy food we need.

Third, we could hunt. These animals live in the wild, their natural home. They live free, eat and drink what nature intended, and give of their lives for us. When I said I’ve never done this, its only because I never had the opportunity and the proper understanding of it. I have, in fact, already talked to a friend about her and her husband teaching me to hunt next year.

We as a society and world (too much of it anyway), are so removed from what our food truly is, where it comes from, or how it effects our bodies. Most people just go to the store to get what they need, never giving a thought to the farmers, laborers, plants, and animals that it took to bring it into our hands. We don’t stop to thank them, nor to consider what it is our bodies need and in what amounts. We have no idea what the “additives, fillers, or preservatives” are or how they affect our bodies. Therefore, we have left our health in the hands of others. Also our responsibility. I feel so strongly that if I am going to eat meat, then I need to be a part of the process. I need and want to be responsible to the animals and people that bring nutrition to my family.




For the rest, buy local.

Show gratitude to all.

Eat only what we need.

Eat slowly and with awareness.

Be in a state of thankfulness while eating.

Make eating the sacred thing it is meant to be.


Posted December 2, 2015 by oldwaywmn in Uncategorized

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